The Cathedral Choir
The Choir of the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist is an ensemble of about 40 professional and volunteer singers from throughout the Savannah area. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 8:15 p.m. and provides music for the 10:00a.m. Solemn Mass each Sunday from September through June. The Choir also maintains a rigorous schedule of episcopal celebrations, diocesan liturgies, and concerts.
The Cathedral Choir’s repertoire is drawn from the great tradition of Catholic music. The choir sings Gregorian chant, Renaissance polyphony, plus the great works of 19th, 20th, and 21st-century composers.
Auditions are held by appointment, usually in the late summer. Please contact music@savannahcathedral.org.

Choral Scholars
The Choral Scholars is an ensemble of eight carefully selected professional singers. Their versatility and skill allow them to cover a wide range of musical genres, bringing depth and diversity to the cathedral’s musical offerings.
Members of The Choral Scholars serve as cantors, leading the congregation in prayer and as soloists for the Friends of Cathedral Music concert series.
The Choral Scholars often sing as a stand-alone ensemble, but their primary responsibility is to serve as section leaders for the larger Cathedral Choir. This collaboration between the Choral Scholars and the volunteer choir members enhances the overall quality of the cathedral’s musical program.
Cathedral Children’s Choir
The Cathedral Children’s Choir, under the direction of Nancy Thornock, stands as a beacon of youth musical training and spiritual devotion within the community. Composed of choristers from grades 2 through 8, this ensemble not only showcases the vocal talents of its young members but also serves as a nurturing ground for their musical education. Children are guided in mastering music theory and ear training skills. This comprehensive approach ensures that each chorister not only performs but truly understands and appreciates the complexities and beauty of the music they bring to life.
In addition to their rigorous musical training, the Cathedral Children’s Choir plays a vital role in the spiritual life of the community. They sing the 5:30 Vigil Mass on Saturday once a month, elevating the liturgical experience for all who attend. This regular singing opportunity is not just a platform for the children to demonstrate their hard-earned skills, it is also a profound way for them to contribute to their community, lending their voices to the collective expression of faith and devotion.